- Characteristic classes of transversely homogeneous foliations,
(with D. Ellis), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol 289, 849-859, 1985. (Available here in JSTOR.)
- Characteristic classes for symplectic foliations, Michigan Math. J., vol 33, 105-118, 1986. (Available here in Project Euclid.)
- An invariant for unitary representations of nilpotent Lie groups,
(with G. Ratcliff), Michigan Math. J., vol 34, 23-30, 1987. (Available here in Project Euclid.)
- Quantization and an invariant for unitary representations of nilpotent Lie groups,
(with G. Ratcliff), Illinois J. Math., vol 32, 53-64, 1988. (Available here in Project Euclid.)
- Kähler and symplectic structures on nilmanifolds,
(with C. Gordon), Topology, vol 27, 513-518, 1988.
(Available here.)
- Kähler structures on compact solvmanilfolds,
(with C. Gordon), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol 108, 971-980, 1990. (Available here in JSTOR.)
- On Gelfand pairs associated with solvable Lie groups,
(with J. Jenkins and G. Ratcliff), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol 321, 85-116, 1990. (Available here in JSTOR.)
- Bounded K-spherical functions on Heisenberg groups,
(with J. Jenkins and G. Ratcliff), J. Funct. Anal., vol 105, 409-443, 1992.
(Available here.)
- O(n)-spherical functions on Heisenberg groups,
(with J. Jenkins and G. Ratcliff), Contemporary Mathematics, vol 145, 181-197, 1993.
(Available here.)
- Fundamental solutions for powers of the Heisenberg sub-Laplacian,
(with A. H. Dooley and G. Ratcliff), Illinois J. Math., vol 37, 455-476, 1993. (Available here in Project Euclid.)
- The moment map for a multiplicity free action,
(with J. Jenkins, R. L. Lipsman and G. Ratcliff), Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.), vol 31, 185-190, 1994. (Available here from the AMS.)
- A classification of multiplicity free actions,
(with G. Ratcliff), J. Algebra, vol 181, 252-286, 1996. (Available here.)
- Spectra for Gelfand pairs associated with the Heisenberg group,
(with J. Jenkins, G. Ratcliff and T. Worku), Colloquium Mathematicum, vol 71, 305-328, 1996. (Available here from the journal.)
- A geometric criterion for Gelfand pairs associated with the Heisenberg group,
(with J. Jenkins, R. L. Lipsman and G. Ratcliff), Pacific J. Math., vol 178, 1-36, 1997. (Available here from MSP.)

Combinatorics and spherical functions on the Heisenberg
(with G. Ratcliff), Representation
Theory, vol 2, 79-105, 1998.

The spherical transform of a Schwartz function on the
Heisenberg group,
(with J. Jenkins and G. Ratcliff), Journal
of Functional Analysis, vol 154, 379-423, 1998.

The orbit method and Gelfand pairs associated with
nilpotent Lie groups,
(with J. Jenkins and G. Ratcliff), Journal
of Geometric Analysis, vol 9, 569-582, 1999.

Rationality of the generalized binomial coefficients
for a multiplicity free action, (with G. Ratcliff), Journal
of the Australian Math. Soc. (Series A), vol 68, 387-410, 2000.

Moment sets and the unitary dual of a nilpotent Lie
(with A. Baklouti and G. Ratcliff), Journal of Lie Theory,
vol 11, 135-154, 2001.

Invariant theory for the orthogonal group via star
(with D. Arnal, O. Boukary
Baoua and G. Ratcliff), Journal of Lie Theory,
vol 11, 441-458, 2001.

Three-step harmonic solvmanifolds (with T. Payne and G.
Ratcliff), Geometriae Dedicata, vol
101, 103-127, 2003.

On multiplicity free actions (with G. Ratcliff), in Representations
of Real and p-adic Groups, ed. E-C. Tan and
C. Zhu, World Scientific Press, 2004. (Based on lectures delivered at the Institute
for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, January

Differential systems of type (1,1) on Hermitian
symmetric spaces and their solutions (with D. Buraczewski, E. Damek and G. Ratcliff), Journal
of Functional Analysis, vol 215, 427-475, 2004.

The space of bounded spherical functions on the free
two step nilpotent Lie group (with G. Ratcliff), Transformation Groups,
vol 13, 243-281, 2008.

Gelfand pairs associated with finite Heisenberg groups (with G. Ratcliff), in Representations,
Wavelets and Frames: A Celebration of the Mathematical Work of Lawrence
Baggett(Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis), ed. P Jorgensen, K. Merril, J. Packer, Birkhauser,

Spherical Functions for the action of a finite unitary
group on a finite Heisenberg Group (with G. Ratcliff), Contemporary
Mathematics, vol 491, 151-166, 2009.

Combinatorial properties of generalized binomial
(with G. Ratcliff), Contemporary
Mathematics, vol 491, 141-150, 2009.

Invariant polynomials for multiplicity free actions (with R. Michael Howe
and G. Ratcliff), Journal
of Lie Theory, vol 19, 771-795, 2009.

Geometric models for the spectra of certain Gelfand
pairs associated with Heisenberg groups (with G. Ratcliff), Annali di Matematica Pura ed
Applicata, vol 192, 719-740, 2013 (with Erratum
on pages 741-743 of the same journal issue).

Spaces of bounded spherical functions on Heisenberg
groups: Part I
(with G. Ratcliff), Annali di Matematica Pura ed
Applicata, vol 194, 321-342, 2015. Two Maple
worksheets provide details concerning examples treated in section 4.6 of
this paper:

Spaces of bounded
spherical functions on Heisenberg groups: Part II (with G. Ratcliff), Annali di Matematica Pura ed
Applicata, vol 194, 533-561, 2015. The
following Maple worksheet gives full details concerning an example treated
in section 5.6 of this paper:

A family of finite
Gelfand pairs associated with wreath products (with G. Ratcliff), Colloquium
Mathematicum, vol 152, 65-78, 2018.

Spaces of bounded spherical functions for irreducible nilpotent Gelfand pairs: Part I,
(with G. Ratcliff), Journal of Lie Theory,
vol 30, 779-810, 2020.

Spaces of bounded spherical functions for irreducible nilpotent Gelfand pairs: Part II,
(with G. Ratcliff), Journal of Lie Theory,
vol 31, 367-392, 2021.
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