Sequencing images

Sequencing refers to how you show viewers the scene—how you reveal the setting and situation.

Inductive sequencing reveals parts of the whole scene to give a specific impression to the viewer. Revealing the whole by parts may or may not be followed by a wide establishing or master shot.

Deductive sequencing takes the reverse approach—you start with an establishing shot and then move into closer views of the details. Often used on the big screen.

Your choice of approach is going to depend on what you want to accomplish. If you want to immediately orient the viewer to the location, you might start with an establishing shot. If you want them to gradually become aware of the location, you might reveal the scene inductively. Either approach can be used to build suspense, or provide cues about the story or the characters. TV often works inductively for several reasons.

  • inductive sequencing works well on small screens.
  • viewers are often familiar with the location/setting of series shows