
We'll use Blackboard for discussion and to ask and answer questions. You are always welcome to talk with me about class readings and projects face-to-face during office hours and electronically by e-mail.

The assignments, readings, and due dates for projects are listed on the schedule below. Make sure to check the schedule often for expanded information about our activities.

The way I have the schedule set up, our "weeks" begin on Monday and end on Sunday for purposes of keeping up with readings and responding to discussion. The exception is the first week of class, which begins on a Tuesday.

Readings listed each week are those that we'll be discussing, so make sure to read them prior to the discussion week.

You'll see that the "Schedule" link in the top menu drops down to links for each week so you don't have to scroll looking for the current week.

Links (and urls) are fragile and sometimes transient. If you have difficulties accessing the url for a link, please let me know by e-mail.

READINGS on the schedule: "Flew"= New Media, 4th Edition


Readings & Activities

Projects Due

Week 1
Jan 7


Project 1 Technology Self-Assessment DUE Jan 20

Mark Poster essay (In course docs)

"The Medium is the Message" MARSHALL McCLUHAN (in Course Docs)

Post introductions to Discussion on Blackboard

Week 2
Jan 14

New Media--definitions



Read the Course Syllabus and schedule, projects, etc. The website includes a lot of information and I'll point you to some of it as we go, but feel free to look around.

Activity 1: Exploring social media/other interactive environment.

Flew Chapters 1--3

Post to Discussion: What did you learn about your own technolgy use?


Project 1 DUE Jan 20

Week 3
Jan 21

Web 2.0

Social Media

Jan 21 is a state holiday


Project 2: "Try Something"

Flew Chapters 4 & 5

Post to Discussion


Week 4
Jan 28

Social Media

[return to top]


Shirky chapters 1-4



Post to Discussion

Activity 1: DUE Feb 3

Week 5
Feb 4

Social Media


Activity 2: Rethinking an "old" tool

Shirky Chapters 5-7


Post to Discussion


Week 6
Feb 11

Social Media

[return to top]


Ronson Chapters 1--7


Post to Discussion


Week 7
Feb 19

Social Media


Ronson Chapters 8--15

Flew Chapters 7 and 8

Post to Discussion

Project 2: DUE Feb 24


Week 8
Feb 25

The Image

[return to top]



Project 3: "Plan Something"

Project 4: "Make Something"

Chapters from Practices of Looking

The Virtual Window Interactive Intro & link to project

Walkthrough of The Virtual Window Interactive by Anne Friedberg

Post to Discussion


Week 9
March 4

Spring Break


Week 10
March 11


[return to top]


Gillette (in Course Docs on Blackboard)

Post to Discussion

Activity 2: DUE March 17

Week 11
March 18



TED Talk Videos -- McCandliss and Rosling--Beautiful Data

Post to Discussion


Week 12
March 25


[return to top]


Flew Chapter 6

What you need to know about e-sports

"Why Gamification is B*LLSH*T" (in Course Docs on Blackboard)

Teaching with Games

Post to Discussion



Week 13
April 1


Flew Chapter 9 & 11

Post to Discussion

Project 3 DUE April 7

Week 14
April 8

[return to top]


Flew Chapter 12

"What We Know About How Russia’s Internet Research Agency
Meddled in the 2016 Election," Slate

"We researched Russian trolls and figured out exactly how they neutralise certain news ," StopFakeNews

FYI: I'm not as interested in arguing whether or not Rusisians interfered with elections so much as I want to know how this kind of mucking around is done.

Post to Discussion


Week 15
April 15


"Yes, Digital Literacy. But Which One?"

Flew Chapter 10

Digital Divergence, Digital Complexity (In course docs)

Post to Discussion

Activity3: DUE April 17

Week 16
April 22

[return to top]

Last day of classes is April 23

Reading Day April 24

Exams start April 25

No Discussion

Exam Week

April 29

Exams conclude May 2

No Discussion

Project 4 DUE:April 30

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