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The purpose of this course is to investigate theories of and practical strategies for evaluating multimedia/new media discourse and for conceiving, planning, and attempting multi-media presentations. The course readings trace the development of “new media” from early computing and the advent of hypertext to the emergence of digital audio, video, and mixed-media applications and introduce theories that contribute to our understanding of the ways people relate to and use new media. We’ll also examine practical (and not so practical) applications of new media in different contexts including industry, education, business, entertainment, and self-expression and investigate a variety of tools used to create multimedia presentations. You do not need previous experience with multimedia or Web development techniques to participate in the course.

Because this course encourages you to interact with tools, techniques, and ideas that may be very new to you (and sometimes to me!), effort and risk-taking will be rewarded. I don't want you to be overwhelmed by the content of the readings or by the assignments (which are actually do-able); rather, I want you to think of our activities and discussions as opportunities to explore, to play, and to think about media differently. Some of the readings are challenging and you may have to look up words and you may struggle with some technological and/or socio-cultural idea. That's OK--

Consider this course as an opportunity to become familiar with media new to you and the potentials. Your projects don't have to be perfect. We're all gonna make some mistakes.

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