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Intro Frame Lights Camera Action Sound Terms Resources

Introduction > Lights > Light


Light, and therefore lighting, is a critical aesthetics in film. Think of light as a "dramatic agent."

Purposes of light include to

  • Reveal objects, their locations, and surface textures
  • Create perceptions of the environment, context
  • Suggest how viewers should feel about a specific event
  • Indicate time
  • Define space
  • Orient viewers to surroundings

For film and digital video, you need to be concerned about actual lighting. Generally, inexperienced filmmakers tend to under light scenes.

If you are developing other types of presentations, particulalry for the web, you might not be using lights on a set; however, light and shadow remain important factors even in digital images you create for the web. Light and shadow can be used on objects to simulate shape, depth, and space.

The images below were created in Photoshop from the same red filled circle. The image on the right was further rendered with a spotlight effect and a drop shadow. Make sure shadows always fall in the direction away from the light source.