
ENGL 4885

Digital Writing


The assignments, readings, and due dates for projects are listed on the schedule below. I've also indicated which days I will not be readily available. Make sure to check the schedule often for expanded information about our activities.

Readings listed each week are those that we'll be discussing, so make sure to read them as early as possible. We may be skip around in the course texts so that the readings are relevant to guest speakers in the class.

You'll see that the "Schedule" link in the top menu drops down to links for each week so you don't have to scroll looking for the current week.

Links (and urls) are fragile and sometimes transient. If you have difficulties accessing the url for a link, please let me know by e-mail.



Readings & Activities

Projects Due

Week 1

Jan 13, 15



Mon: Course syllabus.

Read the first two chapters of Clay Shirkey's book for Wednesday.

Wed: PowerPoint and what you can do with old tools.

Animation example using PowerPoint

Explanation of the animation


Complete the "Technology Self-Assessment" for next week (this is also posted on Blackboard--go to Course Docs or Assignments)


Week 2
Jan 20, 22

Shirkey Chapters 3 and 4

January 20 is a state holiday. Class does not meet.

Wed. Start on your website for Project 2

Link to MyWeb: http://www.ecu.edu/cs-itcs/webpublishing/myweb.cfm

Technology Self-assessment DUE 1/22
(Submit through Assignment)

Week 3
Jan 27, 29


Mon: Shirkey chapters 5

More on your website development (files, images, embedding)

Wed. Snow day

P1: Activity 1 DUE 1/29

Week 4
Feb 3, 5

Mon: More on your website, adding a table, image Cascading Style Sheets

https://piratepanel.ecu.edu/ (my web)

(web workshop)

(Free image editor)

Homework: Post about Shirkey Chapters 6 (DUE 2/6) & 7 (DUE 2/8) (added 2/3)

Wed. Content Rules: Ch. 1-4

Mena Trott: Meet the founder of the blog revolution

Blogs and starting your blog

Google's Blogger

Go to ECU blog space (based on Word Press)

Project 2 DUE 2/8
(changed 2/3)

Week 5
Feb 10, 12

Mon. Discussion of Project 3

Wed. Cancelled due to Weather

Project 4 post 1

Week 6
Feb 17, 19

Mon. Talk about weather make-up days.

Content Rules: Ch. 5-9

Website for Research and Creative Activity Week: http://blog.ecu.edu/sites/rcaw/

Office of Undergraduate research: http://www.ecu.edu/rgs/ur/

Research and Graduate Studies: http://www.ecu.edu/rgs/

Discussion of Project 3, get in groups, develop criteria for assessing the social media

Wed. Guest Speaker Virginia Carraway-Stage

Content Rules: Content Rules: Ch. 15-18

Project 4 post 2

Week 7
Feb 24, 26

Mon. Content Rules:Sections from part 3, Ch. 29

Wed. In class work on Project 3

Web publishing resources http://www.ecu.edu/cs-itcs/webpublishing/

ECU Social Media Guidelines http://www.ecu.edu/PRR/08/10/02/

Webspace standards http://www.ecu.edu/cs-itcs/webpublishing/webspacestandards.cfm

Beginner's Guide to Social Media

SEO ??

SEO Starter Guide

Project 4 post 3

Week 8
March 3, 5

Mon. Discussion of Project 3

How to write good Tweets

more on Writing good tweets

Wed. Discussion of blogs (Content Rules ch. 11)

Project 3.1 DUE 3/5

Week 9
March 10, 12

Spring Break

Week 10
March 17, 19


Your proposal (word doc)

Planning page (word doc)

Webinars and white papers (Content Rules ch. 12, 13) (POST TO BLOGS--snow day make up

Wed. Case studies, stories, FAQs and other elements (Content Rules ch. 14. 15) POST to blogs during class time and begin working on the plan for research and creative week.


Project 4 post 4 DUE 3/17
(post your tool review for Project 1: Activity 2 so you're actually completing both assignments)

Week 11
March 24, 26

Mon. Visuals: Video, podcasting, and Photographs (Content Rules ch. 16, 17, 18)


Monitoring deployment (tracking sheet)

Plans the next few days

Update stakeholders (during class) mailing list

Continue discussion of visuals and podcasts

Show blogs if time

Project 4 post 5

Week 12
March 31,
April 4

Mon. WORK AT RESEARCH AND CREATIVE WEEK (Meet at the front door to Mendenhall at 2:00)

Wed. WORK AT RESEARCH AND CREATIVE WEEK (Meet at the front door to Mendenhall at 2:00)

Review the checklist in Chapter 29

Project 3.2 DUE(during RCAW, by 4/4)

Week 13
April 7, 9

Mon. Video

Wed. Camtasia

Project 4 post 6

Week 14
April 14, 16

Mon. Discussion of progress on your blogs (mini-presentations, informal)

Link to Zing: free version of tool like Camtasia



  • Send final report to Drs. McConnell, Farwell, and Carraway-Stage; cc me.
  • Work on presentations with partners

Project 3.3 DUE 4/16

Week 15
April 21, 23

Mon. Discussion of presentation options


  • Presentations for research and creative week shown in class
  • Time in class to submit materials for WAC assessment (Project 1.4)

Before class on Wednesday, please review the instructions for setting up portfolios under "UWPort: University Writing Portfolio -- Information for Students" at http://www.ecu.edu/qep/

You will be submitting one writing assignment to the portfolio. If you want to submit your blog, please copy and paste it into a Word document.

Project 1: Activity 4 DUE 4/23

Week 16
April 28

Mon. In-class work on final presentations, additions to blog


Project 4 COMPLETE (post 7) DUE 4/28

Exam May 2,

In class presentations about your research topic during the exam period.

Project 1: Activity 4 and

Project 5 DUE at final