ENGL 4885

Digital Writing

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Projects > Project 4

Project 4: Become an Expert in a digital/social media practice.

For this project, you'll start a blog and do some research on a topic related to the course. You can choose to continue your work from the first project that you started on your webpage or pursue a different topic (possibly related to the group project). Minimum of 7 posts.

Enable commenting on your blog and post a link to your blog on Diigo.

Prepare to respond to others’ blogs—2 responses per week, 150-200 words, Make sure to engage the topic that the person is blogging about (not just “I like what you said”—WHY did you like it?)

Respond to different people’s blogs so that you have visited everyone’s blog.

First blog post:

  • 300 words about your choice of blog tool and design—why did you choose the particular blog type/tool that you did? What went into your decision about how it should look?
  • Include two online resources that discuss blog design
  • Include a link to your website with a brief description on your blog

Second blog post:

  • 300 words about your topic and why it matters
  • Include 2 online resources that discuss the topic you are blogging about.

Third blog post:

  • 350-500 words about what criteria you wil use to choose sources about your topic from the many that are available.
  • Start a list of other blogs that people interested in the topic might want to follow—and that you might follow.

Posts 4-7:

  • Post weekly about your topic 350-500 words (these can be in 1 or 2 blog posts).
  • Post your tool review (Project 1: Activity 2)
  • Refer to other sources on the web that provide insight into the topic.
  • Make sure to respond to people commenting on your blog.