ENGL 4885

Digital Writing

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Project 1: Short Activities

Short activities will focus on developing skills for creating graphics. These will be spread out through the semester. If you know how to use these tools already, you might want to take what we're doing a step farther.

These activities are not meant to be busy work or just something else I can grade. People have told me they don't have experience with tools and I want to help with that. The grade will be as much on what you discuss in writing about your efforts as on the results. In fact, imperfection is absolutely fine--I prefer that you put yourself "out there" and try something even if you fail.

Activity 1: Rethinking an "old" tool--animating with PowerPoint. (See some discussion of PowerPoint.) You'll create a short animation with PowerPoint. I'll provide an example with a detailed commentary about how it was created so you can do one of your own. The final product should be no longer than 2 minutes. Check THIS out! Enlarge it to full screen to get the impact. You'll also write about the idea and how you went about creating it (3-4 pages).

Activity 2: Review a tool. Use a tool that you have not used before to create something. Write a review of the tool (3-4 pages including screen shots) for a beginner. You'll post this to your blog (see Project 4). More instructions on this later.

Activity 3: Video. You will work in groups to create a video about Research and Creative Achievement week for the web suing Camtasia or a similar tool. You'll turn in a plan, script, and storyboard (3-4 pages). I'll provide more information on this later.

Activity 4: WAC Portfolio. Submit your materials to the e-portfolio. I'm not going to grade them--you get all the credit for posting the materials.