ENGL 4885

Digital Writing

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Projects > Project 5

Project 5: Presentation

Prepare a short presentation about your blog that can be shared with others via the Web.

Objectives for this project include:

  • apply principles for effective presentation design
  • demonstrate originality in design choices
  • use a software to create a product
  • solve the problem of presenting information when you are not "there" (For f-t-f students, we'll screen these in class but online class participants should be able to view them as well.)

You can use Camtasia, Powerpoint, Prezi, or another type of software to create your presentation. I'll provide you with some demos on creating these types of presentations and links to free trial downloads (some are already posted in "Resources").

Considerations for the assignment include:

  • Keep the presentation to under 7 minutes.
  • Choose a focus that you can cover in under 7 minutes. You won't be able to present about everything you discuss in your paper, so think about what information is most important to convey and why.
  • Follow design principles for effective presentations
  • Make sure that the presentation can "stand alone"--in other words, that it will run and will be comprehensible without you in the room to present it.

We'll look at the presentations in class. However, the presentation should still be created so that it could be viewed by someone at a distance (without the speaker there to run or guide it).