ENGL 4885

Digital Writing

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Projects > Project 3

Project 3: Collaborative Design

For this project. you will work with colleagues and a client to develop a social media strategy for ECU's Research and Creative Activity Week (March 31- April 4) that you will carry out.

The objectives for this assignment include:

  • demonstrating effective collaboration with co-workers
  • attending to the needs of a client
  • developing a proposal for a plan that the client can use to implement a social media solution
  • integrating textual, visual, and document design elements
  • using various tools and social media to demonstrate possibilities
  • preparing a report about the outcome of the social media plan

You'll work in teams to do the following:

1. Develop a social media strategy for Research and Creative Week and prepare a proposal to share the strategy (including descriptions of strategy elements, rationales for strategy elements)

2. Deploy the strategy.

3. Report on the effectiveness of the strategy.

Considerations for this project:

  • Collaborate effectively. Everyone in your work group must pull his or her weight. You may or may not want to put one person in charge; either way, think about how to manage tasks, particularly in the distance environment.
  • Make sure to take your clients' needs and preferences into account as you design the brochure.
  • Keep your multiple audiences in mind. Your client is an audience, but not the primary audience--the primary audience(s) is the one the client wants to serve through the visual design.
  • Work with the client and me to make decisions about graphics--we have to be concerned with copyright issues for one thing.

More details on the assignment specifics will be provided later in the semester.