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Projects > Project 4: "Make Something"

Project 4: "Make Something"

Option 1: Make something. Anything. It can be part of the presentation you developed for Project 3 or something different. It can be web-based, video, audio, or a combination. It doesn't have to be long or complex--what you are able to do will depend on your experience level. If you've been wanting to learn a new tool, here's your excuse.

With your "something," include a 700-850 word written description of what you have done. Your description should discuss the purpose and audience for your project; identify the tools you used to create it; explain the principles that we have been reading about and discussing that informed your creation; describe what you had in mind when you created it, and what about it conforms and departs from that vision. You should refer to some of the course readings but you don't have to do any additional research for the written part.

Your grade on Option 1 will NOT be determined by whether you achieved exactly what you set out to do, but rather what you have to say about the end result. I'm not looking for perfection, high art, or flawless use of technology. Rather, I'm looking for experimentation, attention to concepts from the course, and your willingness to try to implement concepts.

Option 2: Research Paper. If you prefer--and if it better suits your purposes--you may opt to write a research paper on any form or use of new media. Discuss the concept, trend, or convergence using specific examples. Clearly describe the concept, etc., who's using/doing it and why; how it came to be. Provide a well thought out discussion of theories that help explain the existence and exigency of the concept, etc. Make sure to refer to texts we've read in class. You may, if you wish, use additional sources. the paper should be 2500-3000 words, single or double spaced. Use headings, citations and works cites (MLA or APA), and images as appropriate. Make sure to include a cover page, title, page numbers, etc.

Your grade on Option 2 will be based on the quality of your discussion including clarity and thoroughness of the presentation of the concept, etc., connection of theoretical ideas to the concept, use of examples, organization, and writing.