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Projects > Project 2: Evaluate Tools

Project 2: "Try Something" (Evaluate Tools)

Write a brief review of a multimedia tool. We'll be looking at a variety of tools for accomplishing multimedia development tasks. You can evaluate a tool that you use regularly or one that you are just trying out for the first time. Keep in mind that if you review something you use regulary you should identify yourself as someone with experience and review from that perspective--push a little to make sure you're familiar with all the functionality. Consider evaluating a tool that you might use for another course project. I strongly recommend that you try something new, maybe something you've been wanting to use but haven't taken the time to do it.

A lot of tools and software are available as "freeware" and "shareware" and many companies allow you to try versions of software for short periods before buying. I have links on the "Tools" page (under "Notes" from the top menu) to some resources you might look into. Also check the Resources page. I have listed some sites that include reviews of tools and technologies. You may want to look at a few reviews to get some ideas about what to include in yours.

Assume you're writing your review for a person with a similar level of expertise as you have--beginner (never used a similar tool, would have real problems with technical jargon, needs definitions and simple, clear instructions); intermediate (has some experience with similar tools or tasks requiring such a tool, would be familiar with some technical vocabulary and concepts, but not a "power-user"); expert (routinely uses similar tools or deals with similar tasks requiring such a tool, would understand technical language related to the tool and context without many definitions). In your review, make sure to provide a description of the tool, including its purpose, main features, applications, and system requirements.

You can opt to review a number of tools of a similar type related to social media. For example, you might look at a number of bookmarking sites or various social spaces such as Facebook, Foursquare, and Google +. Compare features, usability, potential applications, etc.

To do a thorough review, you'll need to download and try the tool. Work with as many of the functions as possible. You should offer your evaluation of the functionality--what works, what doesn't--and an overall recommendation about whether the tool is effective for its purpose.

Your review should be

1500-1700 words (3-4 pages single spaced, though more is OK if you include screen shots, tables, graphics, etc.)

single-spaced or 1 1/2 space

formatted including a title, page numbers, and appropriate section headings

Screenshots are very useful for explaining how tools work so include them. Make sure to label screenshots as figures and refer to them in the text. Tables and other visuals should also be labeled and referredt to in your texts when you include them.

I'll ask you to post these reviews to a Blackboard discussion thread as well as to the assignment area so we can all read them.