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Project 1: Technology Self Assessment and "Autotechnography"

This is a two-part project. The first part is a sort of inventory of your technology and media experiences and preferences. Download the assessment form here. The document is a Word document that uses fill in form field and check boxes. Please let me know if you need an alternative format or encounter any problems using the form.

The second part is what I'm calling your "autotechnography." If you assign students in writing classes to create literacy narratives, this is a bit similar. Read Mark Poster's essay "Everyday (Virtual) Life" in NMTR. Write about your own experiences with media and technology. What exposures, programming, tools, devices, experiences. etc. have "shaped" you? What do you depend on, have to have? What do you take for granted? Another approach to this essay if you prefer is to write a "day in the life" types essay about your engagement with technology and media. Track everything you do with technology and media over a 24 hour period. What did you use, view? What is your technology dependency? Your media engagement? Any surprises? Write 1000-1200 words.

You can complete the second part of the assignment by adding the essay to the end of the assessment document or you can turn in two documents.

When you have completed the assignment, please post it to the Blackboard assignment area.