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Start your site and page design process by determining the categories of content that will be included on your site. You may not know all the individual pages you'll have in the long run, but plan for flexibility so that pages can be added within categories. Flexibility is important because websites are frequently updated and expanded over the life of the site.

Design of individual pages

Your site may include several different types of pages. For instance, an e-commerce site may include sections for catalogs, shopping carts, product reviews, and user support. While each type of page will necessarily contain different features, some features, such as the main navigation tools, should be consistent in placement and appearance on all types of pages. Pages of the same type should be consistent in all aspects to the maximum extent possible.

Look and feel of navigation.

Use the same types of menus, buttons, links, and other navigational elements across the site. For example, if you include a back button to return users to the previous page, every page should contain a back button that looks and operates the same way. The colors, sizes, and metaphors of icons, graphics, and text features (such as underlined links) used for navigation should provide a scheme that users can follow.

Functionality of interactive features

Provide dialog boxes and other forms for users that are similar in appearance and function. Make sure that the location of interactive features makes sense in the overall scheme of the site.

Type and style of content

Ensure that the formatting and style of text content is similar across the site. Decide how fonts, heading styles, lists, and tables will be used to convey information. Naming conventions for parts of the site and user tasks, as well as for products and services, must be the same across the site so that users are not confused.

Graphics and color

Use colors and graphics that unify the site. Generally, designers choose a palette of only a few colors. Color can help orient users on the site and identify navigation and types of content. The size of graphic files is an important consistency consideration because large graphics can slow the load time of pages. The load time for pages should be relatively consistent from page to page.

Overall consistency

Ensuring consistency requires both a team effort and a central authority. Early in the design process, the results of tests with prototypes help developers decide which features and design elements best facilitate users. The team should have a shared vision of the ultimate look and feel of the site. To bring all the aspects of the site together, particularly on a large project, a project manager or steering committee can take on the task of ensuring that all aspects of the projects are coordinated.