
These pages contain information and examples that will help you understand and use hypertext markup language (html) with some basic tools, such as Notepad and WS_FTP (a file transfer protocol program) to create html pages and transfer them to your server space.

Site and File Structure

As you begin thinking about your own site, you'll want to consider the structure of the site as well as the structure of the directory where you store your files.

A few things to keep in mind:

Basic Tags

First lets look at a basic HTML page and the tags used to create it.

Try creating a basic page by copying the HTML code and pasting it into a Notepad document.

  1. Select and copy the text beginning with <html> and ending with </html>.
  2. Open Notepad (or any other plain text editing program—don't try this in a word processing program, such as Word.).
  3. Paste the text into the new file.
  4. Save the file as basic.html
  5. Open a browser. Browse to the saved file and open it in the browser.

Create a second page and call it index.html. You'll link these together later.

Tips if you're already familiar with HTML

As development standards move from basic HTML to transitional XHTML, here are a few specifics to keep in mind. In XHTML:

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