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Notes > New Media Tools

Get Freeware and
Software Trials


Adobe (downloads--check products for trials)

TechSmith (Camtasia, Jing, other products)

Maya (make 3D stuff--free trial)

Stagecast (make games)

Google Earth

Sketch Up


Google Lab Tools

Site Pal

FaceGen Modeller 3.3.1 (make faces)

Windows Movie Maker (FREE if you dn't already have it)

Wax (Free video editing software)

iMovie (DV editor for Mac)


Skype (a must have)





PodCasting Tools




New Media Tools

The plethora of tools available for creating new media is amazing. As you consider tools to review and use, don't ignore the tools already in your toolbox. New ways to use existing tools are often worth investigating (for example, go to the "Resources" page follow the link to David Byrnes' experiments with PowerPoint).

The links to the left will take you to free trial downloads of some reliable software, most of which I have at least tried. Trial versions usually don't have all the features of purchased packages, but you can get a feel for the tool.

ECU Resources

ECU does offer a number of software tools and platforms *free* for us. Here's some info:

Virtual Computing Lab. http://www.ecu.edu/cs-itcs/vcl/connect-vcl/index.cfm. If you need software that you don't own 9Dreamweaver or Flash for example), go here and choose "Option 2." You will be able to access software distantly from the virtual lab. You will need to download a plu-in to use it.

Services At-a-Glance (visit http://www.ecu.edu/itcs for additional resources)

Web Space. Academic Web Space >> Go to http://myweb.ecu.edu (NEW!), log in with your ECU PirateID and passphrase, and click the Create Web Space link to get started. You can manage your own permissions, transfer files to and from your Web site right through the browser...even create a blog! You can also go directly to http://blog.ecu.edu and create your WordPress blog.

Microsoft Expression Web (NEW!) , a Web page editor similar to Dreamweaver, is now available to ECU faculty and staff (for your university-owned computer). Download Expression Web from the university software download site at http://download.ecu.edu. Online tutorials for Expression Web can be found at http://expression.microsoft.com (click “Video Tutorials” in the right menu) or http://www.learnexpression.com. (If you're not teaching at ECU, but want to try this, we might be able to get it for you--let me know and I'll find out.)

Freeware and Trials

Arc GIS Story Maps: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/en/

Aviary. http://www.aviary.com/ Aviary is a free suite of powerful online creation tools

Gimp. http://www.gimp.org/ Image manipulation tool

SmartDraw. http://www.smartdraw.com/specials/ppc/drawing-tools.htm?id=10479&gclid=COag4fLezpwCFQxM5Qodlh-tLQ

DimDim. http://www.dimdim.com/ Collaboration tool

Googel Aps for small screens

Best Online Collaboration Tools 2009 - Robin Good's Collaborative Map http://www.mindmeister.com/12213323 This page, put together in MindMeister, lists a number of tools for collaboration that you might want to try.

MindJet.http://www.mindjet.com/campaign/lp/mindjet/mm8/default.aspx?gclid=CIeElNPfzpwCFcZM5QodRktpKQ Brainstorming, mind-mapping tool.

iMindMap http://www.imindmap.com/ Mind mapping and presentation software.

ErrNet http://www.errnet.net/index.html This is a proof-reading tool.

Image Map Creator. http://www.kolchose.org/simon/ajaximagemapcreator/ Lets you map (put clickable areas in) images you upload and gives you he html for the map.

Story Space: http://www.eastgate.com/storyspace/

Freeware Sources


ZDNet downloads


Free Scripts

Script.aculo.us! Cool scripts you can customze and script tools

Brainjar.com. DHtlm, Javasctript, more

DHTML Tutorial. DHTML, CSS, and more; free scripts and tutorials

Dynamic Drive. Lots of DHTML for a variety of purposes

Google Code. Google's open source project

JavaScript.Com. Offers, well, Javascripts

JavaScript City

There are just SO many sites that share scripts free. As with anything "free," you sometimes get what you pay for. "Shop" around.

Software Reviews

ZDNet Software Reviews

c|net Software Reviews

Web Developers' Journal Software Reviews

Amazon.com Software. Some professional and some user reviews available.

Webmonkey provides reviews of software. You need to search for articles on the software you're interested in.

Shareware Junkies. Reviews on shareware and other products.

irt.org (internet Related Technologies) Reviews. Lots of reviews on software for Web and multimedia development.

See Also "Resources"