WORLD ALOFT is forum for contemplation on the history of the Wright brothers and their role in the history of flight, to research any of the diverse components of that story, to learn about other researchers, activities, and publications relating to the Wrights and early flight during the general period from 1890 to 1914, to display documents and photographs deriving from that history for discussion and identification, and to interact with others on questions and commentary on the Wright brothers and their world. WORLD ALOFT is intended to be a window through which historians, researchers, and students can find their way to important and authoritative sources, people, and sites where aspects of this story may be investigated and appreciated.
The WORLD ALOFT site is made possible by the cooperation of the East Carolina University's University Multimedia Center and Joyner Library.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Larry Tise
Project Manager: Laurie Godwin
Designer/Programmer: Mitch Pruitt
3D Modeler: Tanner Jones
Content Developers: Jenna Robinson, Joe Barricella, & Michael Reece