The American Occupational Therapy Association has information on their website designed specifically for consumers and their caregivers. It includes the role of occupational therapy, driver safety tips, evaluation and assessment, how to get help, and other topics.
The Hartford Insurance Company has information that includes driving safety, car maintenance, and older driver safety. Their materials can be download or sent in the mail.
AARP has the well known Driver Safety Programs for older adults as well as a wealth of resources on their website, including the CarFit program, and We Need to Talk.
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safetymaintains a website of resources for older drivers, families, researchers, and providers. It offers 1) general safe driving information, 2) free on-line self assessments to measure driving skills and needs, and 3) education and training resources.
North Carolina Area Agencies on Aging
Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) were established under the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1973. AAA’s are organizations designed to respond to the needs of older adults by advocating for them and providing services and information. This link will connect with the AAA offices in the state in your area.
The National Center on Senior Transportation (NCST)
The National Center on Senior Transportation is a resource for older adults, caregivers and families, and state agencies. It provides information about older driver safety and details some of the resources available to offer transportation assistance.