Dr. Catherine A.
Office: 203 Graham; (252) 328-4297; rigsbyc@ecu.edu
Office Hours: stop by anytime except immediately
before class, send me an e-mail, or make an appointment!
The course
syllabi are your aids to survival in this course. Keep them handy and in mind
at all times! Neither the lecture schedule nor the laboratory schedule will change significantly without
advance notice from me. But, I will
change them when necessary, so be alert and listen for the change
2 required
field trips, and accompanying written reports, as
Field trip
very-foul-weather dates (to be used only when absolutely
necessary): 9/12, 9/18, 10/24, and 10/23. We will have 2 required
field trips this semester, even if we must use the very-foul-weather dates to
do so! Note that it is impossible to
complete the field trip reports (hence, virtually impossible to pass the class)
without participating in these field trips.
Please arrange your schedule
The grading
rubric for this course is detailed below. As a supplement to this information,
you may find the document "Understanding
Grades" interesting and useful.
Date last revised: 08/22/10