


Reading Assignments (in Bridge and Demicco), Due Dates, and Miscellaneous Notes

Aug. 24 Tu

Introduction; Historical Development; Applications

Ch. 1 and 2

26 Th

Intro. to Depositional Systems and Grains


Clastic Sedimentary Rocks: physical properties

Ch. 3, 4, and 19

31 Tu

Physical Sedimentology: flow regimes

Ch. 5 (and, optionally Ch. 6)

Sept. 02 Th

Physical sedimentology: continued 

 Ch. 5 (and, optionally Ch. 6)

07 Tu

NO CLASS (ECU says this is a Monday!)

09 Th

Physical sedimentology: continued 

Ch. 5 (and, optionally Ch. 6)

                        *****  TAR RIVER FIELD TRIP – Saturday, September 11  *****

14 Tu

Bedforms and Sedimentary Structures

Ch. 5, 6, and 12

16 Th

Meet in Flanagan Sedimentology Lab today (at 9:30 am!):  Lab Data Analysis -- during both lecture and lab time today


DRAFT #1 Tar River Report DUE by 9:30 am today! 

21 Tu

Bedforms and sedimentary structures, continued 

Ch. 5, 6, and 12

23 Th

Wave Dynamics and bedforms

Ch. 7 

28 Tu

Wave dynamics and bedforms, continued


                                             Wednesday, Sept. 29th: Tar River Field Data DUE by midnight tonight! 

30 Th

Basic Stratigraphic Principles;


Oct 05 Tu

Facies, Bedding, Walther's Law, and Unconformity Analysis


07 Th

Large-scale controls on sedimentation

Draft #2 Tar River Report DUE by the beginning of lab today! 


Ch. 20 

12 Tu

NO CLASS – Fall Break

14 Th

Large-scale controls on sedimentation, continued

 Ch. 20 

19 Tu

Large-scale controls on sedimentation, continued

 Ch. 20 

21 Th

Non-marine Depositional Systems

 Ch. 13, 14, 16 


FINAL Tar River Report DUE by 9:30 am today! 

                        *****  SHACKLEFORD BANKS FIELD TRIP – Saturday, October 23  *****

26 Tu

Non-marine Depositional Systems, continued

 Ch. 13, 14, 16 


28 Th

Transitional Depositional Systems

 Ch. 15


     DRAFT #1 Shackleford Banks Report DUE by 9:30 am today! 

Nov. 02 Tu

NO Official CLASS meetings today


                        Click here for MID-TERM EXAM!! (available by midnight on 10/29)


** MID-TERM EXAM DUE electronically (via the course Blackboard site) at or before 8:00 am Wednesday, Nov. 3rd!  

NOTE:  This is an absolute deadline:  late exams will NOT be accepted. **

04 Th

Transitional Depositional Systems, continued

Ch. 15

09 Tu

Shelf Clastics

Ch. 15

11 Th

Shelf Clastics, continued

Ch. 15

16 Tu

Shelf Carbonates

Ch. 15

          18 Th

Shelf Carbonates (including evaporites), continued

Ch. 15

     Draft #2 Shackleford Banks Report DUE by the beginning of lab today! 

23 Tu

Slope Deposits & Processes, continued; Turbidites

Ch. 8

25 Tu

NO CLASS – Thanksgiving Break

30 Tu

Slope Deposits & Processes, continued; Turbidites

Ch. 8

Dec. 02 Th

Pelagic Depositional Systems

FINAL Shackleford Banks Report DUE by 9:30 am today! 

07 Tu

Catch-up and  review (plus FINAL EXAM tips)

09 Th


16 Th

                                                 Click here for FINAL EXAM!! (available no later than midnight on 12/09)


** FINAL EXAM DUE electronically (via the course Blackboard site only) by 10:30 am on Thursday, Dec. 16th!  

                                  NOTE:  This is an absolute deadline:  late exams will NOT be accepted. **




Date last revised: 08/22/10