East Carolina University
Department of Psychology

Statistical Software for Students at ECU

    I hoped that all of you would have, by this time, successfully installed SPSS on your personal computers.  There may, however, be some who have not done so, but rather have been relying on the computers in on-campus labs on which SPSS is installed.  Some of you have been unable to install SPSS on your computers.  I am over 99% confident that this is due to "user error," not any incompatibility between software and hardware.  ITCS has provided explicit instructions on how to install the software, complete with screenshots.  Please follow those instructions carefully.  Here are links to those documents:

    If you still are unable to install SPSS despite having these explicit instructions, you will need to resort to using a different statistical package or connecting to a virtual computer lab (VCL) where you can use university computers remotely.  Here are some suggestions

    ECU Virtual Computing Lab -- follow the hyperlink to obtain instructions on how to use the VCL

    JMP -- download and install JMP.  I do have lessons on how to use JMP to do the sorts of basic statistics covered in PSYC 2101.  The link will take you those lessons.

    JASP -- download and install JASP. I have only an introductory lesson on it, but there is a free textbook that show how to use it for the basic stats we use in PSYC 2101.  The link will take you to my introductory lesson from where you can download a statistics text that is based on JASP.

   JAMOVI -- the link will take you to a free statistics text that is based on JAMOVI.  You can download the software here.

    EXCEL -- this is your worst option.  Using Excel you will find it difficult to get some of the statistical results that you need to complete assignments in PSYC 2101, but it is better than nothing.  The link will take you to a lengthy pdf that explains how to use Excel to do statistical computing.



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Dr. Karl L. Wuensch

This page most recently revised on 17-September-2021.