
Coup d'etat: 

(1) a sudden and decisive, violent or illegal strike on the state. (2) often opposed to the idea of Revolution. Usually conducted by a dictation in collusion with the military or other apparatus of the state. An action that is not opposed or resisted by the people.


New York, July 13, 1863. Violence, lynchings, and property dameage resulted when Irish laborers, men and women, opposed to the Union Army Conscription Act attacked African American institutions, burned draft offices and destroyed the Colored Orphan Asylum. 

In 1811, University of North Carolina students, reacting against the imposition of institutionalized authority, engaged in rowdy behavior, disorderly conduct, and violence against the faculty.


(1) a violent disturbance of the peace by an assembly or body of persons; an outbreak of active lawlessness or disorder among the populace. (2) a riot that results from racial hostility (race riot).


The 18th of Brumiere. On November 9, 1799, Napoleon of Bonaparte committed a coup d 'etat of the Republican—installed government in Paris, France and established himself as dictator.