Sphyraena barracuda Great barracuda Sphyraenidae

Distinguishing Features
Great barracuda are silvery/gray, cylindrical fish. They have a large underslung jaw. They may show small black marks below the midline or diagonal dark bars above the midline.

Great barracuda are silve

Juveniles live in inshore seagrass beds. Adults range from inshore habitats, sandy beaches, offshore rocky reefs and wrecks, and open ocean waters.

Great barracuda are piscivores. Their body morphology is adapted to fast accelerations. Their teeth include incisors at the anterior region of the jaw that pierce into their prey and blade-like teeth in the posterior region that cut through larger prey. Smaller barracuda are often found in small schools; larger fish are more solitary. Barracuda are curious and fearless.

Special Notes
Large barracuda may have ciguatera.
