DC says there were over 100 minicomics done at Earwax (a Chicago
restaurant). These comics are collaborations involving
of the following artists: DC, Terry LaBan, Gary Leib, Doug Allen,
Archer Prewitt, or Chris Ware (and possibly Larry Marder and others).
I am aware of 49 Earwax minicomics that
have been photocopied and released in low numbers - these are
listed below. Others exist but
have never been photocopied.
The first date in an entry typically refers to creation; if the
date is just a year, then it refers to 'publication' (in this
case, photocopying),
and also probably to creation; nd (no date) means that the date
of creation or publication is not listed on the comic.
All of the printed Earwax collaborations date from
1991-1994. (DC left Chicago in 1994.) Those printed by
Comic Relief (a store in Berkeley,
CA) may be reprints of earlier photocopies; these reprints
may be printed on different color paper. All of the Earwax
minis were drawn
on an 8.5 x 11inch sheet of paper and then folded to form a pamphlet
that has a front cover, 6 interior pages, and a back cover.
Each Earwax mini is 4.25 x 2.75 inches; all are folded and not
stapled; all are black ink reproduced on colored paper.
Not all of the comics below result from Earwax
collaborations; the 5 that aren't are identified [NE], for Not Earwax.
All of the NE minicomics are stapled and tend to be larger than the
Earwax minis.
For DC illustrations that appear in a NE minicomic other than those listed here, see the
Illustrations on Paper section.
Doofus 1 is reprinted in The Doofus Omnibus; Famous Pet is reprinted in
NEWAVE! The Underground Mini Comix of the 1980s.
Covers: The cover art is never signed, and some covers
appear to have the title logo/lettering done by one artist and
the illustration by another.
[CV+L] means I am fairly certainly to positive that the
cover art and cover logo/lettering is by DC.
[CV] means I am fairly certainly to positive the cover art
is by DC. [CV?] means I think the cover art maybe by DC, but I am
not sure.
[L] means I think only the cover logo/lettering is by DC.
[x] means I think neither the cover nor the cover
lettering is by DC.
If there is no code or commentary relating to the cover or
lettering, then I have no information from which to make a guess
- I haven't seen the comic.
I may be wrong in these
For an alphabetical list of all of the minicomics, please see
the list at the bottom of this page.
Minicomics in Order by
Type and Chronology:
Minicomics with
Autograph Comics 1 (c.1988): with Terry Laban for a signing
at Halley's Comics - cover is by DC and TL [NE]
Tripe 1 (1990, created at
San Diego Comic-Con): edited by Greg Petix, cover by Petix and Chris Cajero
Cilla, with LaBan, Kim Thompson, Doug Gray, Bill Wray, Gilbert Hernandez
Fuzzy (10/3/91): with Leib, Laban
Yank 2 (10/3/91): with Laban, Leib [CV+L]
The Artists 5 (10/9+10/10/91): with Laban, Leib [L] [CV?]
It's Drip (10/10/91): with Laban, Leib
Frumpy 1 (10/19/91): with Leib, Laban [x] - back cover also credits David
G., Jeff E and Liz , but I'm not sure who they are; perhaps David G. is
David Greenberger
Get Messy 1 (10/24/91): with Leib [x]
Twenty Minute Comics 1 (10/24/91): with Leib [CV+L] - Comic
Relief edition of 80 dated 2/21/93 - exists in an earlier
Get Messy 2 (11/1/91): with Leib
It's Randy 1 (11/1/91): with Leib [CV]
Acid #? (11/7/91): artists are not identified - likely
Leib and Laban [x] - the comic is actually titled 'Acid #?'
Tales that Are Runny (11/7/91): with Allen, Leib
Have a Feel 1 (12/12/91): with Laban, Leib [CV?]
Chip 1 (1991): with Laban, Leib
Corn 1 (1991): with Laban, Leib [CV+L]
Get Messy 3 (1991): with Allen, Leib
Harbaugh 1 (1991): with Allen, Leib
Hillboy Rustic Comik 1 (1991): with LaBan, Leib [x]
Sleepy 1 (1991): with Laban, Leib [x] - Comic Relief edition
of 80 dated 2/21/93 - exists in an earlier version
So? 1 (1991): with Allen, Leib
Sissy 1 (1/30/92): with Ware, Leib [L] [CV?]
Sissy 2 (1/92): with Laban, Leib [L] [CV?]
Alone Everyday (1992): with Laban, Leib - Comic Relief
edition of 80 dated 2/21/93 - exists in an earlier version
{Ware cover}
Ass, Gas or Grass 1 (1992): with Ware, Leib [CV+L] -
printed by Comic Relief
Bonus 1 (1992): with Ware, Laban, Leib [CV+L]
Rock and
Love 1 (1992): with
Garry Leib, Laban, Ware, Prewitt [x]
Irish Popeye (3/9/93): with Ware, Prewitt, Laban, Leib -
printed by Comic Relief
Doofus 1 (4/92): The Dude - story by DC and R.
Altergott (RA), art by RA - [x] (reprinted in RA's The
Doofus Omnibus) [NE]
Dick (1994): produced for Lee's Comics in CA - cover and 7
pages by DC - as far as I know, the only solo DC mini [NE]
Pale Effete Shred of a Man 1 (1994): with Ware, Gary Leib,
Allen [x]
Exquisitely Corpsed Concoction of Cretins 2 (1995): with many
others [NE] [x]
Minicomics without
Acid 2 (nd): with Laban, Leib
Butts 1 (nd): with Allen, Leib - printed by Comic Relief -
exists in an earlier version
Donut Sissy 1 (nd): artists are not identified - one page is
by Ware, possible Larry Marder, others [x]
Famous Pet 1 (nd): with Allen, Leib [CV]
Hippy Hag 1 (nd): with Ware, Allen, Leib
Living Large (nd): with Ware, Leib, Laban, Prewitt - printed
by Comic Relief - exists in an earlier version
Spuz 1 (nd): artists are not identified; perhaps with Leib,
Allen, Larry Marder, others [x]
Minicomics without dates and/or with missing or speculative
Artists 4 (?): with others?
European Naked Robot 1 (nd): with Ware?
Stuffed Onion 1 (?): with Ware, Leib, Allen
Wheels 1 (nd): I am unsure if DC was involved with this comic
Yank 1 (): ?
Yard Thing 1 (?): with Ware and others ?
collaborations reprints appearing as a single
page, not cut
and folded in the standard Earwax minicomic format:
The date before the colon refers
to the publication in Brutarian magazine, and
date after the comic's title refers to its creation.
Brutarian 5 (1992): This Vulgar World 1 (nd) - with Prewitt,
Ware, Leib [x]
Brutarian 5 (1992): Lousy Bitch 1 (5/21/92) - with Prewitt,
Ware, Leib [CV+L]
Brutarian 5 (1992): Ham Operator 1 (nd) - with Prewitt, Ware,
Laban, Leib [x]
Brutarian 5 (1992): Born Dirty Comics 1 (1992)- with Prewitt,
Ware, Leib [x]
Brutarian 6 (1992): Beef Reefer 1 (5/92) - with Prewitt,
Laban, Leib [CV+L]
Brutarian 6 (1992): Fuzzy Popeye 1 (1992) - with Prewitt,
Ware, Laban, Leib [x]
Brutarian 6 (1992): Uncomfortable Situation (1992) - with
Prewitt, Ware, Leib [Ware cover]
Brutarian 18 (1996): Larvae and Pupae (5/28/92) - with
Prewitt, Laban, Leib [Ware cover]
Brutarian 18 (1996): Bunk 1 (nd) - artists are not
identified; perhaps with Prewitt, Laban, Leib [x]
Brutarian 18 (1996): Tweez 1 (nd) - with Laban, Leib [x]
Minicomics in
Alphabetical Order:
This list reorganizes the 54 comics from
the above 4 categories.
(11/7/91): artists are not identified - likely Leib and Laban
Acid 2 (nd): with Laban, Leib
Alone Everyday (1992): with Laban, Leib - Comic Relief
edition of 80 dated 2/21/93 - exists in earlier version
{Ware cover}
Artists 4 (?): with others?
The Artists 5 (10/9+10/10/91): with Laban, Leib [L] [CV?]
Ass, Gas or Grass 1 (1992): with Ware, Leib [CV+L] -
printed by Comic Relief
Autograph Comics 1 (c.1988): with Terry Laban for a signing
at Halley's Comics - cover is by DC and TL [NE]
Beef Reefer 1 (5/92): with Prewitt, Laban, Leib [CV+L] -
printed in Brutarian 6 (1992)
Bonus 1 (1992): with Ware, Laban, Leib [CV+L]
Born Dirty Comics 1 (1992): with Prewitt, Ware, Leib [x] -
printed in Brutarian 5 (1992)
Bunk 1 (nd): artists are not identified; perhaps with
Prewitt, Laban, Leib [x] - printed in Brutarian 18 (1996)
Butts 1 (nd): with Allen, Leib - printed by Comic Relief -
exists in an earlier version
Chip 1 (1991): with Laban, Leib
Corn 1 (1991): with Laban, Leib [CV+L]
Dick (1994): produced for Lee's Comics in CA - cover and 7
pages by DC - as far as I know, the only solo DC mini [NE]
Donut Sissy 1 (nd): artists are not identified - one page is
by Ware, possible Larry Marder, others [x]
Doofus 1 (4/92): The Dude - story by DC and Rick Altergott (RA), art by RA - [x] (reprinted in RA's The
Doofus Omnibus) [NE]
European Naked Robot 1 (nd): with Ware?
Exquisitely Corpsed Concoction of Cretins 2 (1995): with many
others [NE] [x]
Famous Pet 1 (nd): with Allen, Leib [CV]
Fuzzy (10/3/91): with Leib, Laban
Fuzzy Popeye 1 (1992): with Prewitt, Ware, Laban, Leib [x] -
printed in Brutarian 6 (1992)
Frumpy 1 (10/19/91): with Leib, Laban [x] -
back cover also credits David G., Jeff E, and Liz; perhaps David G. is
David Greenberger
Get Messy 1
(10/24/91): with Leib [x]
Get Messy 2 (11/1/91): with Leib
Get Messy 3 (1991): with Allen, Leib
Ham Operator 1 (nd):
with Prewitt, Ware, Laban, Leib [x] - printed in Brutarian 5
Harbaugh 1 (1991): with Allen, Leib
Have a Feel 1 (12/12/91): with Laban, Leib [CV?]
Hillboy Rustic Comik 1 (1991): with LaBan, Leib [x]
Hippy Hag 1 (nd): with Ware, Allen, Leib
Irish Popeye
(3/9/93): with Ware, Prewitt, Laban, Leib - printed by Comic
It's Drip (10/10/91): with Laban, Leib
It's Randy 1 (11/1/91): with Leib [x]
Larvae and Pupae
(5/28/92): with Prewitt, Laban, Leib [Ware cover] in
Brutarian 18 (1996)
Living Large (nd): with Ware, Leib, Laban, Prewitt - printed
by Comic Relief - exists in an earlier version
Lousy Bitch 1 (5/21/92): with Prewitt, Ware, Leib [CV+L] -
printed in Brutarian 5 (1992)
Pale Effete Shred of a Man 1 (1994): with Ware, Gary Leib,
Allen [x]
Rock and
Love 1 (1992): with
Garry Leib, Laban, Ware, Prewitt [x]
Sissy 1 (1/30/92): with Ware, Leib [L] [CV?]
Sissy 2 (1/92): with Laban, Leib [L] [CV?]
Sleepy 1 (1991): with Laban, Leib [x] - Comic Relief edition
of 80 dated 2/21/93 - exists in an earlier version
So? 1 (1991): with Allen, Leib
Spuz 1 (nd): artists are not identified; perhaps with Leib,
Allen, Larry Marder, others [x]
Stuffed Onion 1 (?): with Ware, Leib, Allen
Tales that are Runny (11/7/91): with Allen, Leib
This Vulgar World 1 (nd): with Prewitt, Ware, Leib [x] -
printed in Brutarian 5 (1992)
Tripe 1 (1990, created at San Diego
Comic-Con): edited by Greg Petix, cover by Petix and Chris Cajero Cilla, with
LaBan, Kim Thompson, Doug Gray, Bill Wray, Gilbert Hernandez
Tweez 1 (nd): with Laban, Leib [x] in Brutarian 18 (1996)
Twenty Minute Comics 1 (10/24/91): with Leib [CV+L] - Comic
Relief edition of 80 dated 2/21/93 - exists in an earlier
Uncomfortable Situation (1992): with Prewitt, Ware, Leib
[Ware cover] - printed in Brutarian 6 (1992)
Wheels 1 (nd): I am unsure if DC was involved with this comic
Yank 1 (): ?
Yank 2 (10/3/91): with Laban, Leib [CV+L]
Yard Thing 1 (?): with Ware and others ?