Module NINE

stress balloon

Stress is a part of modern life. There's no escaping it! Stress itself is neither positive or negative. How much it impacts us depends on our individual reaction to it. Make no mistake about it, constant stress overload can be a significant health risk. Module 9 will answer these questions:

what is stress?

what are the three phases of the general adaptation syndrome?

what is the impact of stress on health?

what are some special stressors that affect college students/

what are some effective stress management techniques?

Open this file and print it out. Keep it in front of you as you go through the ONLINE LESSON. You can use the completed NOTE SHEET to take the QUIZ.

Here you will find the ONLINE LESSON for this module.
Be sure to read the directions carefully. Use your NOTE SHEET as you proceed through this lesson. The quiz items for this module will come directly from information in this lesson.

Here you will find the ASSIGNMENTS for this Module. Do ALL assignments.

To complete the assignments, open your saved Assignments Template document (which you began with the Module 1 assignments) and record your answers in that same document.  After you've completed your Module 9 assignments in that document, save it to your computer (back it up too!).  When you have completed the assignments for all 15 modules, you will upload that ONE completed Assignments Template document to Canvas.

When you have completed the  LESSON and filled-in your  NOTE SHEET, go to "QUIZZES" link.  Choose the Quiz for this module and take it.
Remember, once you start, you only have 10 minutes to take and you may only take it once. You are welcome to use your NOTE SHEET when taking the Quiz.

You should read 
Chapter 3 "Stress Management" with this module. Complete the Final Exam Study Guide for this chapter as you read it.

Remember you must complete four Discussion Boards (of your choosing) sometime during the semester.  Do you like THIS topic?  If so, there is probably a Discussion Board question pertaining to it. Check under the DISCUSSIONS link.
Karen Vail-Smith
ECU Dept of Health Education & Promotion