Kilcolman Castle
1993-96 Excavations
“Bird’s-eye view“ plan of excavations in the mid-1990s under the direction of Eric Klingelhofer. Only parts of the compound were excavated.
Note the outlines of a “Tower House,“ “Parlor“ and “Great Hall“ at the bottom of the illustration. A “bawn,“ or enclosure, wall ran around the compound.
From Klingelhofer, “Edmund Spenser at Kilcolman Castle: the archaeological evidence.“ Post-Medieval Archaeology 39.1 (2005), 133-54.
Finds from the archaeological excavations in the mid-1990s.
1-4 copper alloy
1 buckle plate
2 stick pin
3 sewing pin
4 miniature chape (i.e, the protective end of a knife sheath)
5 bone tuning peg (for an instrument, such as a lute)
6-12 clay tobacco pipes (these post-date Spenser’s occupation)
From Eric Klingelhofer, “Edmund Spenser at Kilcolman Castle: the archaeological evidence.“ Post-Medieval Archaeology 39.1 (2005), 133-54.