GEOLOGY 4010/4111
Introduction to Depositional Systems and Grains

Lecture Outline
Depositional Systems -- defined
- defined
- most important sedimentary features
Heirarchy of sedimentary properties
What is physical sedimentology?
Key Terms
- depositional system
- Walther's Law
- sedimentary facies
- basin fill
- progradation
- cohesion
- compositional maturity
- density
- accessory minerals
- roundness
- sphericity
- surface texture
- Wentworth scale
- phi (phi scale)
- histogram
- cummulative frequency curve
- median
- mode
- mean
- method of moments
- bimodal
- sorting
- standard deviation
- skewness
- oblate
- equant
- bladed
- prolate
- maximum projection sphericity
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