Sedimentology 4010/4011
As you know, it is required that student enrolled in GEOL 4010/4011 meet with me 3 times for each of the 2 papers required for this course. These individual tutorial sessions will last approximately ˝ hour and must be scheduled in advance. It is your responsibility to see to it that you meet the tutorial requirements, as well as all other requirements specified by Dr. Rigsby and the course materials.
· First meeting: Organization (Draft #1)
The purpose of this meeting is to help you organize and fully outline your paper. You must come to this meeting with (at a minimum) your
1. detailed outline,
2. drafts of the introduction and methods section,
3. list of planned figures, and
4. drafts of all of your field diagrams.
Note that this meeting must be held with a day or two of the actual field trip. Advanced planning/scheduling is essential.
· Second meeting: Major interpretations (Draft #2)
The second meeting is intended to guide you through the interpretation section of your report. Come to the meeting with a complete version of your 2nd draft, which should should include a complete analysis of your data, including your major interpretations. Additionally, please bring your “cleaned up” drawings of your field diagrams. During the meeting we will discuss
1. which of your data are important,
2. whether or not your draft successfully demonstrates that your data and interpretations are compatible, and
3. whether or not your interpretations are accurate.
Although there are tat least wo weeks between the due dates for the first and second drafts, you must schedule this meeting well in advance and you must leave yourself sufficient time to make any suggested changes before turning in the official 2nd draft of your paper.
· Third meeting:
Full Draft of Report (Draft #3)
For our third and final meeting, you will need to bring a typed,
double-spaced draft of your full final report.
The draft you bring to this meeting must
1. be properly formatted,
2. include all of the required sections, headings, subheadings, sections, and reference;
3. and include complete, pristine figures.
Our meeting will focus on the abstract and summary sections at this time. Please note that this is the last time I will see your paper before the final report is due. Therefore, it is crucial that you bring your most complete product to this meeting so that only minimal changes will be necessary before your report is due.
My scheduled office
hours are Xxxday xx:00-x:00
a.m, however an
appointment must be made in advance for each of
these meetings. You may contact me in person (at my office
during these hours), by phone, orby e-mail. (See contact information
Please remember that
these meetings are a requirement and part of the grade your will receive for
the papers. All rough drafts have a due
date and therefore I will not accept them past their deadlines, unless 24 hour
notice is given. Please bring all
previous drafts to meetings for each paper and come prepared. And, please see the draft schedule (with
deadlines for review sessions), below.
I think that you
will find this experience enjoyable and rewarding. I look forward to meeting with you.
Best wishes,
Joe Davis
2010-2011 Geological Sciences Writing Tutor
(252) 328-9424
Shackleford Project
All appointment times are subject to
availability, so please schedule your APPOINTMENTs
with the writing consultant as early as possible.
Don’t forget: Evidence that your drafts have changed in
response to feedback from the writing tutor DOES count toward
your final report grade.
Also remember that the writing consultant is not responsible
for your poor planning.
Date last revised: 08/24.2010