Translations and Foreign Editions

The titles of DC's foreign volumes/collections are underlined and listed in their translated version (where applicable).
Publisher and year of publication is listed in [].
The titles of DC stories are given in their un-translated version and preceded by the title of the periodical/volume in which they appear.
Following each story title is information in () on the DC title or location where it first appeared. For a key to abbreviations, go here

Como uma Luva de Veludo Moldada em Ferro (LVG) [Conrad-2002] PB
Comic Book O Novo Quadrinho Norte-Americano [Conrad-1999] PB - this collection includes DC's short story Caricature
Wilson [
Compania das lettras-]  []
Pacięncia [Editora Nemo-2017]: Brazilian edition of Patience

Ghost World [Jonathan Cape-2000]: has the cover of the first Fantagraphics PB - some have 'now a major motion picture' sticker
David Boring [Jonathan Cape-2002]: has cover of US 2nd edition PB
Ice Haven [Jonathan Cape-2005]: has cover of US edition HC
Wilson [Jonathan Cape-2005]
Mister Wonderful [Jonathan Cape-2011]
The Death-Ray [Jonathan Cape-2011]
Patience [Jonathan Cape-2016]

Ghost World [La Cupula-]
Wilson [La Cupula-2010]

Czech Republic:
Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron [Al Dente-]

Caricature [Komiko-]

Ghost World [Aben Maler-2006]: cover uses image of Enid from the first Fantagraphics PB -
Wilson [Aben Maler-2010]
Patience [Aben Maler-2015]

Ghost World [BV2 Productions-2002]
Gynekologiaa (2011): pamphlet version of DC's "Gyencology" (E17)

Wilson [Like-2011]

Comme un Gant de Velours Pris dans la Fonte (LVG) [Editions Cornelius-1999]
Ghost World
  [Vertige Graphic-1999]: cover is the same as American HC PB
Caricature [Rackham-2000]: contents same as US version - the cover uses part of the image from the US HC, PB
Ghost World
[Vertige Graphic-2001]: cover is American paperback film version cover PB
David Boring
Éditions Cornélius-2002]: printed in b/w on matte finish paper at a larger size than the US version - limited # of the first printing 
  came with a booklet that features the the US version's color panels in color PB
David Boring
: part of DB was serialized in magazine Les Inrockuptibles - issue 331 (3/27/02) to 344 (7/2/02)
Little Lit
[Seuil Jeunesse-2002]: includes DC's The Sleeping Beauty (first appeared in English in Little Lit (9/00)
Ice Haven [Éditions Cornélius-2006]
Caricature [Rackham-2006]: uses cover from the 2002 US paperback edition
Pussey! [Rackham-2006]: uses the new cover and introduction from the 3rd US edition
Eightball [Éditions Cornélius-2009]: contents nearly identical to Twentieth Century Eightball
Le Monde de Lloyd Llewellyn [Le 9eme monde-]: contents unknown
Le Rayon de la Mort [Éditions Cornélius-2010]: Eightball 23, The Death-Ray
Mister Wonderful [Éditions Cornélius-2011]
Patience [Éditions Cornélius-2016]
Eightball [Éditions Cornélius-2018]: contents similar to Twentieth Century Eightball (plus Glue Destiny) - cover art uses box art from Complete Eightball #1-#18

Ghost World [Éditions Cornélius-]
Wilson [Éditions Cornélius

Wie ein samtener Handschuh in eisernen Fesseln (LVG) [Reprodukt-1993] - HC   
Strapazine 30 (3/93): The Stroll (E3)
Strapazine 40 (9/95): Blue Italian Shit (E13) - issue also has a DC cover   
Strapazine 47 (6/97): The First Time (E14)
Strapazine 57 (1999): Gynecology (E17) - issue also has DC interview
Ghost World
[Reprodukt-2000]: new cover PB
Karikatur [Reprodukt-2000)]: new cover, contents different than American edition - PB. The German edition has translations of 
  Caricature (E15), Glue Destiny (E12), The Fairy Frog (E11), Blue Italian Shit (E13), The Gold Mommy (E14), Nature Boy (E8)
David Boring
Wilson [Eichborn-2010]
Wie ein samtener Handschuh in eisernen
Fesseln (LVG) [Reprodukt-2011] - paperback with Japanese paperback cover
Der Todesstrahl (TDR) [Reprodukt-2013]
Mister Wonderful [Reprodukt-2015]
Wilson [Reprodukt-2016]

Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron [Kormoranos-2009]
Patience [?-2018]
L'Antologia Ufficiale di Lloyd Llewellyn [Telemaco-1992] [I've never seen this edition; I've only seen it referred to.]
Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron []
Ghost World
[Phoenix-1999] PB
Ghost World [Coconino -] PB
[Phoenix-2000]: contents same as American HC - PB

Caricature [Coconino Press-2011]
David Boring [Coconino-2001]: printed on matte finish paper at a larger size than US versions - PB. The cover is very similar to the
 Pantheon 1st edition dust jacket, except that text elements [title, DC's name] are moved, DC has added extra lettering (publisher info on
 front and back cover), and the image has new details -buildings' height and a moon -added at the top; these are 'outside of the frame' that is
 visible in the Pantheon cover.
David Boring and Other Stories [Coconino-2006]: volume 9 of a graphic novel library. Includes full text of DB, interview, introductory essays, 
  and never-before published color roughs of color two-page illustrations in DB. Also includes translations of Caricature, 
  MCMXLVI, Blue Italian Shit, Gold Mommy, Green Eyeliner, and Art School Confidential. Cover is different from earlier Coconino version.
Ice Haven [Coconino-2007]  
The Death-Ray [Coconino-2012]
Patience [BAO-2016]
After Hours 12 (10-11/00): Give it Up! (E8) - issue also has a short interview in Japanese
After Hours 12 (10-11/00): Immortal, Invisible (E16)
pH. Vol 3 (2001): Immortal, Invisible (E16) - pH is a giveaway about DC produced by Presspop
Ghost World [Presspop-2001]: new wrap-around, fold-out cover PB
Ghost World: A Notebook [Presspop-2001]: Ghost World screenplay PB 
Caricature [Presspop-2005]: HC
Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron [Presspop-2005]: HC

Ghost World
Wilson [Semicolon-]
Ice Haven
The Netherlands:
Ghost World [Oog & Blik-1999]: semi-hardcover - uses the cover from GW hardcover
BeeldBeeld Exhibition Catalog (1999): Caricature (E15)
David Boring [Oog & Blik-]
De Ideale Man (Mister Wonderful) [Oog & Blik-2011]
Wilson [Oog & Blik-2010]
The Death-Ray [Oog & Blik-2012]
[Scratch-2016]: released 1/2016, before US version


Ghost World [No Comprendo-2002]
Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron
[No Comprendo-]
Wilson [No Comprendo-]

Ghost World [Kultura Gniewu-2006]
Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron [Kultura Gniewu-2008]
David Boring [Kultura Gniewu-2015]
[Kultura Gniewu-2016]

Ghost World [
Duo Design-]

Ghost World [Comics Factory-]

Ghost World [Komiko-]

Svet Duhov (Ghost World) [Stripburger-2007]

(Published by Lacupula unless otherwise noted)

Stapled Comics: 

Como un Guante de Seda Forjado en Hiero (LVG) [1995-96]: a five-issue series

Issue 1: Smoke (E1), Harum Scarum (E2)
Issue 2: Mister? (E3), Sale (E4), One for the Father (LR), Sexual Frustration (E4), Paranoid (E5), The Truth (E2)
Issue 3: Shit Happens When You Party Naked (E5), A House Is Burning Out of Control (E6), Life in These United States (Weirdo 25)
Issue 4: When Grand-Dad Shaved from the Rain Barrel (E7), Screech (E8), The Stroll (E3), Curtain of Sanity (National Lampoon 4/91) 
Issue 5: Smile! (E9), Shutupshutupshutup (E10), Daniel G. Clowes in Just Another Day . . . (E5)
Bola Ocho (E): an ongoing series (1999-present) that features stories from E and elsewhere

Issue 1 (1999): [cover adapts cover E4] The Future (E4), The Eightball Profile: Pastor Robert Tilton (E3), Murder, Martians and Wild,
 Wild Women (LL1),  Devil Doll (E1), What do you do for a Cold? (E4), The Ghost and the Gearjammer (LL1), Red Hoerring in How's
 That?  (LL1), Dickie: Disgusting Old Acne Fetishist (E10), Young Dan Pussey's Glamour Date (E10), [back cover: back cover from LR]
Issue 2 (1999): [cover adapts cover E7]Ugly Girls (E8), The Little Man in the Inkwell (LL1), Grist for the Mill (E8), Nature Boy (E8), 
  Lloyd Llewellyn, Egghead (LL2), Velvet Glove (E11)
Issue 3 (2000): [cover adapts cover E12] Glue Destiny (E12), According to Hoyle (LL2), Fuckface (E9), King Ego (E12), The Fairy Frog (E11), 
  The Happy Fisherman (E11), Blue Italian Shit (E13), Why I Hate Christians (E11)
Issue 4 (2000): [cover: E15] Three Blue Teardrops (LL2), Caricature (E15), Monster from the Edge of Nowhere (LL2)
Issue 5 (2001): [cover: 2nd printing of OLLC] The Crazy Hot-Rod Drop-Outs From Beyond Jupiter (LL3), On Sports (E14)
Issue 6 (2001): [cover: E18] Black Nylon (E18), 502 (LL4), Like a Weed, Joe (E16), Frankie & Johnnie (Cad, a Handbook for Heels) (Young Lust 7)
Issue 7 (2002): [cover: MWLL] The Goo (LL4), A Show of Violence (Blab!2), Red Hoerring's Blues (LL4), The Worry Bird (LL5), 
  Zubrick (National Lampoon 5/91), Zubrick (National Lampoon 6/91) 
Issue 8 (2002): [cover: E9] Gynecology (E17), The Battlin' American (LL5),  Freddy Brown the Squirt in The Dope Peddler (Twist 2)
Issue 9 (2003): [cover: E18] The Eatniks (LL5), Zubrick, Pogeybait (), Color Me Red, Part One (LL5), 666 (Blab! 4),
Maiden Japan (LL5), 
  One for the Father (LR)
Issue 10 (2003): [cover: title page from Immortal, Invisible (E16)] Uwanna (LL5), Immortal, Invisible (E16), Hound Blood (LL6), 
  Art School Confidential (E7)
Issue 11 (2004): [cover: LL2] The Nightmare (LL6), Ernie's Adventure into the Beyond (LL6), Concrete Vixen (ANLL), Queen of Venus (ANLL)

Bound collections:

[1999]: PB
Ghost World (Mundo Fantasmal) [1999]: PB - early printings use 1st US PB cover; later printings use 1st US HC cover
David Boring [2002]: PB
Como un Guante de Seda Forjado en Hiero (Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron) [2004]: first published in Spanish as a five-issue series - see above PB
Caricatura (Caricature) [2006]: PB - cover is US PB 2nd ed. cover with Spanish lettering
[2006:] this 2nd version of Pussey! in Spanish uses the new cover of the 3rd US edition
Ice Haven [Reservoir -2006]: closely follows US Pantheon edition in terms of size/printing
Lloyd Llewellyn
Lloyd Llewellyn 2 [2007]
Twentieth Century Bolo Ocho [2011]

Wilson [2010-]
Mister Wonderful [Mondadori-2012]
El Rayo Mortal (TDR) [Mondadori-2013]

El Vibora:
Many EB stories are reprinted in this magazine. DC's stories appear in the issues below and perhaps others.

150 (1992): Dementia Praecox  (ANLL)
184 (1995): Buddy Bradley in Who Would You Rather Fuck: Ginger or Mary Ann? (E13)
236 (1999): Playful Obsession (E5)
237 (1999): Ink Studs (E9)
238 (1999): Needledick the Bug-Fucker (E7)
239 (1999): Chicago (E7)
240 (2000): Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine (E13)
248 (2000): The Gold Mommy (E14)
251 (2000): The Party in Color (E11), The Sensual Santa (E14)
[268-275 serialize the contents of Eightball 22 (Ice Haven) – all published in 2002]
268: Around Ice Haven with Random Wilder, Our Children and Their Friends, The True Story of Leopold and Loeb
269-70: Melancholy Serenade, Seventeen with Violet Van Der Platz, David Goldberg is Missing
271: Vida and Her Grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Ames Detectives For Hire, Charles
272: Violet In Love, Harry Naybors Comic Book Critic, Rocky 100,000 BC
273: The Hole, Seersucker, Julie Patheticstein, Mrs. Ames, Kim Lee, Officer Kaufman, Mosquito
274: Blue Bunny, Random Wilder in Toilet Time, Charles and His Therapist, The Ransom Note, Random Wilder Again
275: David Goldberg is Alive, Our Children Revisited, Violet Alone Forever, Vida Goes to Hollywood, Harry Naybors Explains Everything

El Vibora Specials:

America Special (1994): Ghost World (E11)
Film and TV Special (1994): Velvet Glove (E11)
Parody Special (2000): Eightball (E9)
New Underground Comix Special (199?): Art School Confidential (E7)

Galago Comics 47 (2/97): Caricature (E15)
Ghost World [Epix-2002]
Som en Sammetshandske Smidd i Järn (LVG) [Epix-2008]
