Mallinson may be reached via Email : mallinsond@ecu.edu
IGCP 495 Field Trip Guide for North Carolina
Mallinson, D.J., Culver, S.J., Corbett, D.R., Parham,
P.R., Shazili, N.A.M., Yaacob, R., 2014.
Holocene coastal response to monsoons and relative sea-level changes in
northeast Peninsular Malaysia.
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 91,
Mallinson, D., Hine, A., Naar, D., Locker, S., Donahue,
B., 2014.
New perspectives on
the geology and origin of the Florida Middle Ground carbonate banks, West
Florida Shelf, USA.
Marine Geology 355, 54-70.
Mallinson, D. J., Smith, C., Mahan,
S., Culver, S., McDowell, K., 2011.
Mallinson, D.,
Culver, S., Riggs, S., Thieler, E.R., Foster, D., Wehmiller, J., Farrell, K.,
Pierson, J., 2010. Regional seismic stratigraphy and controls on the Quaternary
evolution of the
Hine, A.C., Jarrett, B., Locker, S., Mallinson, D., Naar, D., Donahue, B., (2008). Coral Reefs, Present and Past, on the West Florida Shelf and Platform Margin. In, Coral Reefs of the USA: Special Symposium Volume for the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium.
Culver, S., Grand Pre, C., Mallinson, D., Riggs, S., Corbett, D., Foley, J., Hale, M., Ricardo, J., Rosenberger, J., Smith, C.G., Smith, C.W., Snyder, S., Twamley, D., Farrell, K., Horton, B., (2007). Late Holocene Barrier Island Collapse: Outer Banks, North Carolina, U.S.A. The Sedimentary Record 5, 4-8.
Mallinson, D., Flower, B., Hine, A., Brooks, G., Garza, R., 2003, Paleoclimate implications of high latitude precession-scale mineralogic fluctuations during early Oligocene Antarctic glaciation: The Great Australian Bight record. Global and Planetary Change, 39:257-269.
Mallinson, D., Hine, A., Hallock, P., Locker, S., and Shinn, E., Naar, D., Donahue, B., Weaver, D., 2003, Development of small carbonate banks on the south Florida Platform margin: response to sea level and climate change. Marine Geology, 199:45-63.
Compton, J., Mallinson, D., Filippelli, G., Föllmi, K., Glenn, C., Shields, G., Zanin, Y., 2000, Variations in the global phosphorus cycle: in Marine Authigenesis: From Global to Microbial, SEPM Special Publication.
Mallinson, D.J., and Compton, J.S., 1997, Linking phosphogenic episodes on the southeast U.S. margin to marine d13C and d18O records: Geology, v. 25, no. 2, p. 103-106.
Compton, J.S. and Mallinson, D.J., 1996, Geochemical consequences of increased Late Cenozoic continental weathering rates and the global CO2 balance: Paleoceanography, v. 11, no. 4, p. 431-446.