Physics 6715 Biomedical Physics

Spring 2013

Applies physics principles in biology and medicine.

Classes and Final Examination

·         The class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 and 12:15 from 15 January through 30 April except for 12 and 14 March (spring break).

·         Venue: HSC N109

·         Final examination: 2 May 8:00 to 10:30, HSC N109


·         John Sutherland, HSC C209,, office hours by appointment; call 328-6739

·         Xin-Hua Hu, HSC C203,, 328-1864

·         Yong-qing Li, Austin 115,, 328-1858

·         Bier, Martin, Austin 328,


·         Each instructor will submit a grade on a 0-100 scale for each instructional block, the sum of which, weighted by the fraction of the classes in the given block shall constitute 70% of the final grade. Each instructor will announce at the beginning of each block if the grade will be determined by examination, homework, reports, or a combination of thereof.

·         The final examination, which will contain questions covering all of the material covered in the course, shall constitute 30% of the final numerical grade.

·         The final letter grade will be derived from the final numerical grade as follows:

o   100 - 90 à A

o   89 - 80 à B

o   79 - 70 à C

o   < 70 à F


o   Students are responsible for all material presented during scheduled classes or assigned for work outside class.

o   Students who cannot attend class for any of the reasons listed in the catalog regarding attendance should follow the procedures specified in the catalog.

Schedule (tentative)


January 15 Sutherland Introduction

January 17, 22, 24, 29, 30 Hu Physical Principals

February 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21 Sutherland Molecular Building Blocks

February 26, 28 Sutherland Oxygen, Dangerous Stuff, but essential for life

March 5, 7, 19, 21, 26, 28 Sutherland Cells and Viruses

April 2, 4 Li Laser Tweezers and other Advanced Physical Methods

April 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30 Bier Cell Electrophysiology and Molecular Machines



Laser Tweezers and Other Advanced Physical Methods

Instructor: Yong-qing Li

Course Web:



April 2, T

Optical trapping in solution (I): Lecture Note 1 (pdf)

April 2, T

Optical trapping in air (II): Lecture Note 2 (pdf)

April 4, Th

Raman spectroscopy and Raman imaging: Lecture Note3 (pdf)