Glossary of Film Terms

[Planning and Scripting] [Camera Angles and Shots] [Transitions] [People]

Terms labeled [FD] are quoted from the glossary of the software Final Draft 6.

Planning and Scripting

Act, Three (Act) Structure
Classic dramatic structure of a story containing a beginning, middle and end. Television may impose artificial (commercial) breaks that may divide up an act, but the three-act structure remains. [FD]

A sequence of events in a script, visuals that have their purpose in plot development, which may include physical and psychological action; the movement of the subject within the camera field of view. [FD]

In a screenplay, this term is used to indicate a pause in a character's speech or action. Also refers to actions or incidents within scenes. [FD]

Breakdown (Breakdown Script)
Detailed analysis of a screenplay which is used to create the Shooting Schedule. Organizes the script into related scenes, locations, sets, characters and props. Also used for determining all the expenses for a film's budget. [FD]

The various real or fictitious individuals who take part in a screenplay; an Element in Final Draft. The very first time a character is introduced into the screenplay, the name is capitalized. Always capitalized before dialogue. [FD]

Ensuring that elements of shots that make up a scene are consistent including vectors, lighting, color, set, props, etc. Continuity errors also occur when something is out of place--for example a sign indicating the shooting took place in Ventura Beach CA when the action is supposed to be happening in Miami Beach, FL. Reflections cause continuity errors, for example when a boom mic, light, or camera is reflected in a car window. Continuity errors happen all the time and in films we don't notice many of them. More examples from the movies. Continuity errors can happen in other types of multimedia work. For example, if you're using drop shadows and the shadows fall in different directions on different items or in different frames of a presentation; if the brightness or color quality of elements of your presentation change from page to page or slide to slide.

A character's speech; a conversation between two or more people. [FD]

Dialogue Breaks
When dialogue "spills" over one page onto the next because of its length, and has to be split into sections. The phrase (MORE) indicates there is additional dialogue to follow on the next page, and the phrase (CONT'D) appears at the top of the page, indicating the dialogue is continuing from the preceding page. [FD]

A story of adventure or conflict told through a series of related events. [FD]

Exterior (EXT.)
Scene Intro which indicates that a scene takes place, or is supposed to take place, outside. Always abbreviated in all capital letters. [FD]

In production scripts, refers to scene numbers and page numbers which must be kept (held) the same, and not changed from their original number. [FD]

Interior (INT.)
Scene Intro which indicates that a scene takes place, or is supposed to take place, indoors; a set representing an indoor scene. Always abbreviated in all capital letters. [FD]

In production scripts, refers to scene numbers and page numbers which must be kept (held) the same, and not changed from their original number. [FD]

The actual (physical) setting for a production; a part of a Scene Heading which describes where the scene takes place. [FD]

Used to indicate that a character's speech has not been completed at the end of a page and that the speech is a continuation of one from the previous page. See Dialogue Break. [FD]

Off-screen commentary, which is heard over the action. Also referred to as a voice over. [FD]

Off Screen (O.S.)
A Character Extension. Dialogue or sounds heard while the camera is on another subject. Always abbreviated in all capital letters and enclosed in parentheses. [FD]

A complete story broken down into its component beats, scenes, sequences and acts, before dialogue is written. [FD]

Production Script
A script that includes scene numbers, camera angles, inserts and direction notes. All page numbers and scene numbers remain unchanged, no matter if any text is added or deleted from the script. [FD]

Revision Pages

When a production script is being edited, changes are distributed to the actors and crew on "change pages," which are generally a different color from the original pages of the script, and follow a set hierarchy of color pertaining to the revision number. [FD]

A single cohesive unit of narrative, usually confined to one location at one particular time. [FD]

Scene Breaks
When a scene "spills" over one page to another because of its length, and has to be split into sections. The phrase (CONTINUED) indicates there is more to the scene to follow on the next page, and the phrase CONTINUED: appears at the top of the page, indicating the scene began on the preceding page(s). [FD]

Scene Header (Header)
Found in a Sitcom script; indicates Int./Ext., location of scene and Day/Night; also may contain a list of the characters in the scene, special effects, sound effects, or other pertinent information. [FD]

Scene Heading
Used at the beginning of all scenes, a short description which indicates where and when the scene takes place. Always typed in capital letters. Sometimes called a Slug Line. [FD]

Scene Number
Indicates the sequence number of a particular scene. Scene numbers are used only in Production Scripts. [FD]

A script for a feature film, that is (or could be, and hopefully will be) made into a motion picture. Generally 90 to 120 pages in length. [FD]

Text of a screenplay, including dialogue and action. In the director's form (a production script), scene numbers and sometimes camera shots and moves are added. [FD]

A group of connected scenes that moves a story forward. A feature script usually has between seven and ten sequences. [FD]

Shooting Schedule

A production schedule for shooting a film with the scenes from a script grouped together and ordered with production considerations in mind. [FD]

The part of a Scene Heading which indicates the time of day. [FD]

Indicates the end of a scene. Always typed in capital letters. [FD]

Summary of a story, integrating all its elements, detailing the plot, and providing a sense of who the characters are, including their motivations. [FD]

A Character Extension, where a character's voice is heard over a scene, as in narration, a tape-recorded voice, or a voice heard over the phone. Always abbreviated in capital letters with periods after each letter and enclosed in parentheses next to the Character Name, capitalized and spelled out in the script. [FD]

 [Planning and Scripting] [Camera Angles and Shots] [Transitions] [People] [Top]

Camera Angles and Shots

The relationship between the camera's position and the subject of the shot. [FD]

Used to emphasize a specific object in a shot to indicate that a different camera angle is to be made of a previous shot. [FD]

The camera reverts to its original shot position from another. [FD]

Camera shot that includes only the head and shoulders of a character. Always typed in capital letters. [FD]

Camera shot that closely emphasizes (isolates) a detail in a person, animal or object. Always typed in capital letters, and is usually abbreviated. [FD]

Camera movement towards or away from a subject, involving physical movement of the camera. Always typed in capital letters. [FD]

Camera shot that takes in the whole scene and provides information about the context, setting, and situation. For example, if you want to indicate the location of a scene—say Washington D.C.— you might use an establishing shot that includes the Capital building (as many filmmakers have).

Camera shot that is extremely close to a subject, used to emphasize some particular detail. Always typed out in full in capital letters. [FD]

Camera shot usually taken from a long distance away from the subject. Always typed out in full in capital letters. [FD]

Foreground (f.g.)
The area of the scene (objects or action) which is closest to the camera. Always abbreviated in lowercase letters with periods after each letter. [FD]

A shot within a scene which calls attention to a specific piece of information, usually an inanimate object. [FD]

Tight focus on an object or person. [FD]

Camera shot that is taken at a considerable distance from the subject, usually containing a large number of background objects. Always spelled out in capital letters. [FD]

Camera shot often used to describe a shot of character approximately from the waist up. [FD]

Camera shot which follows whatever is being filmed. [FD]

Camera shot (from the word panorama) where the camera moves gradually from right to left or left to right, without stopping; to slowly move to another subject or setting without cutting the action. [FD]

Point of View (P.O.V.)
Camera position that views a scene from the viewpoint of a particular character. Always abbreviated in capital letters with periods after each letter. [FD]

Rack Focus
To change focus from one subject to another during a shot.

A P.O.V. shot that is turned 180 degrees to show the original subject. [FD]

The basic unit of a motion picture. A moving image of objects, persons, buildings and/or landscapes. [FD]

SUPER (Superimpose)
The effect of showing one image over another. Always typed in capital letters. [FD]

Three-Camera Format
A script format used in television production. [FD]

Camera shot of two people, usually from the waist up. [FD]

A quick transition from a long shot to a close shot or the reverse, usually achieved by manipulating the camera's lens. [FD]

  [Planning and Scripting] [Camera Angles and Shots] [Transitions] [People] [Top]

Transitions (Camera and editing)

Instantaneous transition (change) from a scene (or a shot, or another person) to another. Always typed in capital letters. [FD]

Transition from one scene, which fades out, as another simultaneously fades in. Dissolves are also used to indicate a lapse of time and/or of place. [FD]

Smooth, gradual transition from complete blackness to a scene (fade in); gradual transition from a scene to complete blackness (fade out). Always typed out in full in capital letters. [FD]

A wide variety of patterned transitions in which images seem to move (or push) other images off screen. [FD]

 [Planning and Scripting] [Camera Angles and Shots] [Transitions] [People] [Top]


The person responsible for the overall artistic vision of the production. Works with the actors, cinematographers, editors, and everyone else to achieve the vision. The director is the person in control.

Assistant Director. Assists the director and disseminates information to others on the set.

Producer (Executive, Associate)
The person(s) who provide financial support. Producers also do all kinds of "behind the scenes" coordination of personnel and materials.

Director of Photography; plans shots with director, works with camera operators.

Line Producer
Coordinates the logistics, schedules, and details on the set during production.

Turns footage into finished product.

Electrician in charge; responsible for lighting among other things; runs lighting crew.

Best Boy
Assistant to the gaffer.

Takes care of moving equipment, cameras, and large set elements

Continuity or Script Supervisor
Monitors details of shoot so that elements in scenes are consist ant.

Others people who get credit:

 [Planning and Scripting] [Camera Angles and Shots] [Transitions] [People] [Top]