East Carolina University
Department of Psychology

Multidimensional Contingency Table Assignment: Assortative Mating for Hair Color

In the file Hair.sav, on Karl's SPSS Data Page, are data relative to assortative mating with respect to hair color. Each row in the data file represents one cell in the 2 x 2 x 2 contingency table, with the freq variable already set as the weighting variable. Variable Hair_S is the respondent's hair color, Hair_M is the hair color the respondent wanted e's mate to have, and Gender is the respondent's gender. There are two values of Hair Color: Blonde and Black/Brown. To avoid very small expected frequencies, I excluded data from participants who indicated that they had, or desired their mate to have, red, gray, or white hair.

You do a complete analysis, testing the research hypothesis that individuals prefer mates similar to themselves. Write up your results in an APA-style results section and attach it to email to Karl. Be prepared to discuss your results in class and to show your statistical output to any interested parties.

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This page most recently revised on 18. February 2008.