Network Analysis of the St. Marks Wildlife Refuge Seagrass Ecosystem.


Network Analysis

This web page provides the raw data for a seagrass ecosystem network analysis, which is a series of mathematical algorithms for estimating steady-state material flows among ecosystem compartments in a food-web network.  These network analyses have been developed for the Halodule-wrightii seagrass ecosystem in the papers:

Baird, D., J. Luczkovich and R. R. Christian. Assessment of spatial and temporal variability in ecosystem attributes of the St Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Apalachee Bay, Florida.   Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science 47: 329-349.

Christian, R. R. and J. J. Luczkovich.  Organizing and understanding a winter's seagrass foodweb network through effective trophic levels. Ecological Modelling 117: 99-124.

Right:  A simplified food-web diagram showing some of the carbon-flow links in the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge seagrass ecosystem. The producer base of this sub-web shows shoal grass (Halodule wrightii); primary consumers shown are various species of herbivores and detritivores including meiofauna (represented here by a harpacticoid copepod and a nematode), amphipods, and polychaetes; secondary consumers shown are juvenile spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) and pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides); tertiary consumer shown is the gulf flounder (Paralichthys albigutta).  The full model has many more compartments than those shown in the figure. In fact, the network models that we have constructed present quantitative estimates of the amount of carbon flowing between 51 compartments during the winter in the St. Marks seagrass ecosystem.

Using KINEMAGE to visualize the St. Marks Food web:

The 3D network and molecule visualization software KINEMAGE was used to display the food web from St. Marks.  The method used is detailed in the paper below:

Jeffrey C. Johnson, Stephen P. Borgatti, Joseph J. Luczkovich, and Martin G. Everett.  2001.  Network Role Analysis in the Study of Food Webs: An Application of Regular Role Coloration. Journal of Social Structure, Vol. 2, No. 3, May 8, 2001.  (note this is an on-line peer-reviewed journal).

Click here to view the food web in KINEMAGE

Rotate the kinemage by moving the cursor arrow into the kinemage figure (the graph), left-clicking the mouse, and moving the cursor arrow in the direction of the preferred rotation.  If the graph is oriented with top predators (blue)  on top and primary producers (green and yellow)  at the bottom, then the vertical dimension of the graph basically reflects the trophic position of a species or compartment.  Keeping this trophic orientation in mind, you can animate the graph to reveal the structure of the individual isotrophic classes. Left click in any of the boxes to the right, which can turn on the labels for each compartment.  Start with all the boxes unchecked.  Next, click on "Estuary", "Biomass", "In Flux", "Out flux"; this will show the biomass fo each compartment, along with arrows representing the flow of carbon out of and into each.   Next click on each of the boxes labeled " Plankton" , etc. to see the biomass and flows of each group.  Finally, click on "label" to see the name of each compartment.  In addition, each of the isotrophic classes can be shown without ties between them (for clarity's sake) by turning off the "in flux" and "out flux" boxes, and successively turning on each of the isotrophic classes desired (check box). View compartment labels by pointing to the desired node and left-clicking.

Network analysts:

Others who helped collect and analyze the data:

Participating Students, Department of Biology, East Carolina University:

Some Related Internet Web Links:

Download the Network Analysis Data and Software

The data files are in the following format (SCOR Format) that imports directly into Netwrk 4.2:
Line 1 A text title; the units of measurement 
Line 2 The number of total compartments in the model and the number of living compartments 
Lines 3- 54 A list of the compartment labels in the model
Lines 55 - 106 A list of compartment numbers and biomasses
Line 107 End of variable code
Lines 108 - 159 A list of compartment numbers and inputs from outside the system;
Line 160  End of variable code
Lines 161 - 212 A list of material flows from compartments in column 1 into compartments listed in column 2; flows are listed in column 3
For example:

Flow network of St Marks, JANUARY Site 1; mgC/m2/[day]. 6

51 48





benthic algae




epiphyte graz amphipods


1 .8100000E+02

2 .4232000E+04

3 .2212000E+03

4 .6760000E+02

5 .1151000E+04

6 .8160000E+01

7 .4640000E+01

8 .5600000E+00

9 .1014800E+03
